Dear Investors,
At pi Ventures, investor satisfaction is our foremost agenda. In case of any grievance or complaint:
1. Please contact our compliance officer Vinit Agarwal at
2. You may also approach our founding partner Manish Singhal at
3. In case you are not satisfied with our response, you may lodge your grievance with SEBI at or you may write to any of the offices at SEBI.
For any queries, feedback, or assistance, please contact the SEBI office on the toll-free helpline at 1800 22 7575 or 1800 266 75754. In case you are still not satisfied with the resolution through the SCORES portal, you can initiate the dispute resolution through the ODR portal at Note: The dispute resolution through ODR will not be possible, ifa. The complaint or grievance is not raised with the compliance officer first and subsequently on the SCORES portalb. Dispute raised is pending before any arbitral process or court or tribunalc. Dispute is non arbitrable in terms of Indian Lawd. Dispute is time-barred in terms of law of limitation .
Thank you,
pi Team